Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Film Rating System

I'm seeing Inception tonight with Barbara, and I'm really looking forward to it!

One of the main reasons I started this blog a couple of days ago is because I missed writing. From 2004-2007, I wrote constantly. I wrote poetry, I was working on a screenplay about Asian men in America, I was freelancing for three culture magazines, and I was doing online journalism for free. I wrote so much that I gave myself a wrist condition (I still have a faded scar from the surgery).

I stopped writing because I was focused, to the point of isolation, on attaining my Master's degree and learning to be a good teacher. This blog is my first step in reclaiming my status as a writer, and this time, in an environment where I don't have to adhere to word limits and style sheets.

I plan on reviewing a lot of films, because I love films. Below is my rating system for films on a scale of 0 - 10. Like most film critics, I struggle with how to rate films; does a film that aims high and falls short deserve a lower rating than a film with low aims that perfectly achieves its goals? It's the sort of thing that's probably garnered more words amongst film nerds (myself included) than it's worth, and I try not to over think it too much. Without further ado:

0 - Irredeemable: Just as most films don't deserve a 10, most films don't deserve a 0 either. This is a film that is not only poorly written, acted, directed, and edited, but it also lowers the general discourse.

1 - Poor: A disaster. Basically the same as a 0, except perhaps the acting is slightly better, or it's harmless in its content despite its ineptitude. The Hollywood system usually axes 0s and 1s before they get filmed, but there are exceptions.

2 - Bad: A film is bad if it sets low aims of achievement, and it mostly fails in achieving the mediocrity it expects of itself. It may have one or two laughs or some interesting camera work, but it's mostly a disaster.

3 - Mediocre: A mediocre film doesn't distinguish itself; there's nothing offensively bad, but it's dull. A general lack of ambition or creativity can result in a rating of 3.

4 - Flawed: This is a milquetoast film that is slightly below average. Maybe there are some good scenes or funny bits, but the bad ultimately outweighs the good. It could also be an ambitious film that falls short of its aims.

5 - Average: An average film is fun or meaningful during the time that you spend in the theater, but it is forgotten the moment you leave your seat. You don't feel like you wasted your money by renting it or purchasing a ticket, but it made no impact beyond entertaining you for the moments you were watching it.

6 - Enjoyable: This is when I would start recommending the film to a friend. An enjoyable film is fun, and I might watch it again if I saw it on TV. It may contain basic flaws, like awkward editing or a predictable ending, but I can overlook these because I was entertained. Many films fall into the midrange of 4 to 6.

7 - Wonderful In Its Genre: A film that is solid on all counts would deserve a 7. There are few discernible weaknesses in a 7 film. However, the film is not transcendent and does not say anything profound about the human condition. The film does not emotionally 'stay' with the viewer after having been viewed. Many lowbrow comedies and melodramas, no matter how well conceived and executed, hover at a 7.

8 - Transcendently Good: This is where we start getting into "Best of the Year" discussions. A transcendently good film either leaves a lasting impact on its viewer, or it contains a single element (a stellar acting performance, beautiful cinematography) that is truly noteworthy. Flaws in the film are minor.

9 - Memorable: Nearly flawless in its execution. A great film that resonates with its viewer. Creative and ambitious. A 9 film can be perfect, but it may lack that extra 'oomph' that would push it to the last level.

10 - Golden: Hopefully, this needs little explanation; you know it when you see it. A 10 film often redefines film and is pervasive in its influence. It resonates deeply, and it gives true pause for thought.

I plan on writing reviews of current films as well as past films. Included among these will be films that I consider to be 10s.

I will post my review of Inception late tonight or tomorrow morning.

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