I don't plan on turning this into a political blog, but I have something to say about Sarah Palin. Until they get some real dirt on the woman - and I don't mean this 'refudiate' junk either - Palin haters need to cool it. Because they are going to have the exact opposite effect of the one they are trying to accomplish.

Let it go, people. Let it go.
Sarah Palin is considered, I think, by the majority of correctly functioning people, to be unqualified to be the leader of a charity car wash, let alone the head of a political organization of any sort. She made a single, really good impression on me, and that was at the Republican National Convention in 2008. As an Obama supporter, she actually made me nervous.

"Lipstick? She's funny! Hehehehe... uh oh."
Since then, it's been a string of embarrassing, public gaffes that consistently demonstrate Palin's mediocrity and inability to lead. Which is why I don't think that nitpicking her to death is really necessary. Given enough time and rope, she'll do the job herself. Instead, by overplaying the little things and attacking her stupidity, liberals risk alienating a crucial voting block. This voting block has played a big part in every major political election and cannot ever be discounted from a serious political discussion.
I am, of course, talking about voters who pick their candidates not based on their content, or their looks, or even their speaking skills, but instead, ask themselves (perhaps subconsciously), "Which one of these candidates is roughly as smart as I am?"
There is a sizable, dim segment of the population that is intimidated by the intelligence of others. They dress up their lack of education and worldliness in populist terms, broadly referring to themselves as 'working class' (as if educated people don't work for a living) or 'salt of the earth', and they claim a sort of authenticity for themselves that someone with a fancy schmancy college education couldn't possibly have. In my Long Island hometown, these sort of people were fairly common - they're the type of person who never tried in school, because their father, who also never went to college, will ladle them a job fixing pipes when they turn 18. He or she will eventually die in the hometown he or she grew up in - the result of misplaced values in team sports and the 'big game.' Have you ever watched Friday Night Lights (the super depressing film, not the TV series)? After senior year, it's all downhill from there.

Focusing on football instead of academics turns you into a drunk Tim McGraw.
Growing up, I was always taught to admire successful, educated, intelligent people. In my family, there was a belief in economic and social advancement. By contrast, I had to deal with a pervading anti-intellectualism in my middle school and high school. The smart kids were bullied for superficial reasons, and the bullying would often turn racial and homophobic in a pinch. My mother would always teach me not to feel angry at these people, but to feel sorry for them and show them pity. After all, as she said, they were "losers" who "weren't going anywhere in life."
Which brings us back to Palin. Historically, politicians and advertisers have made a fortune off this dullest part of the American populace. There was, however, always the sense of self-awareness that went along with the pandering. We all knew Ronald Reagan wasn't a cowboy, although he seems to be wearing a cowboy hat in half of his publicity photos. We all knew Bush Jr. was a Yale educated, upper class kid, even though he played up his Texas ranch. It was a case of smarter, more worldly people playing off the vulnerabilities and insecurities of the less fortunate.

He made this look GOOD.
With Palin, however, I see none of this tap dancing. She seems, for all intensive purposes, to be the genuine article, born and bred from the same ignorant stock as her supporters. She believes every last word that comes out of her mouth. It's no calculated ploy to appeal to the uneducated; she herself is woefully uneducated. Instead of being led, she is being thrust into leadership positions, and the majority of her base is loyal, because they identify with her low frequency thinking. "She doesn't read newspapers regularly? Neither do I!"
It's this genuineness that makes her a dangerous target to put in the crosshairs. Liberals! Point out Palin's mistakes, but don't mercilessly harp upon them. When you go out of your way to insult Sarah Palin, you alienate the millions of Americans who think and function JUST LIKE SARAH PALIN. Stupid people don't like to be called stupid. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is let them figure it out for themselves.
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